February 2025
Music Listening
- Finally Finished Alzabo Soup - I’m listening to their off-shoot stuff now. ★★★★★
Books Reading
- Dune: Messiah by Frank Herbert - This book had a million platitudes and little action, the people online that i read reviews from said i’m supposed to not like it because it sets up things for the 3rd book lmao. ★★
Games Playing
- Tactics Ogre: Reborn - Playing on my PC with steam link. I started this out playing through the Chaos route, which the game defines as Chaos being that after a certain point, the player has to make a decision to either kill (lawful route) or spare (chaos) their own people. The motive behind killing them is a propaganda spin to gather support by the rest of the disparate clans to unify. By sparing them, the campaign goes down a spiral of truth and heart seeking, dogmatic fights, and eventually the same power struggle in the end. The battles were fun, but the “Hey you’re the heritic, time for you to die!” fights were too many. Loved the FFT style. ★★★★
I’m writing this from March, but I can’t think of anything too interesting happening last month.